Policies, Terms and Conditions

By choosing to do business with Stanton Mac Support, you consent to the following policies, terms and conditions.


Our standard rate is $180.00 per hour, billed in 15 minute increments. For on-site work, there is a 1 hour minimum per visit. The same rate of $180.00 per hour is billed for round-trip travel if a client’s location is 15 minutes (one-way) or more  from our location in Somerville. Inside of 15 minutes (one-way) there is no charge for travel. Our remote support rate is $180.00 per hour billed in 15 minute increments.


We require that all clients pay on site, in the form of cash, check or Credit/Debit Card at the conclusion of appointment. Please make checks payable to Stanton Mac Support.  Any invoices are due upon receipt, unless other terms are arranged with us in advance of any work performed. Existing clients with whom we have arranged terms will be billed according to those terms, and may be billed remotely via secure saved credit card.

Billable Time

Billable time is any time spent that utilizes our expertise. Time spent creating proposals, providing purchasing advice, speaking on the phone, or speaking with vendors or contractors on your behalf. These are all billable functions. Just as with our service time, we do our best to complete these tasks quickly and thoroughly. We don’t waste time and chat on your dime.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that occasionally circumstances come up that require you to cancel a previously scheduled appointment. We will do our best to accommodate these situations, however, we ask that you give us as much notice as possible. Cancellations made within 24 hours of an appointment will be charged a $80.00 cancellation fee, while cancellations made when we are already in transit will be charged for one hour of billable time plus travel. We will always work with you to reschedule your appointment in a timely fashion.

Email, Phone and Remote Support

Technology often enables us to solve your issues without coming to your location in some instances. We use our discretion in evaluating whether or not phone, email, or remote support delivers more value than an on-site visit. If we feel that your issue cannot be solved remotely, we will work with you to schedule an appointment.

Privacy Policy and Data Collection

We understand that it is important to protect the privacy of our clients and guests who visit our website and communicate with us. We know that it takes a great deal of trust on your part to do business with us, and we take that trust very seriously. It is our highest priority to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal information.Stanton Mac Support may collect several types of information from you, including, but not limited to, contact information (name, address, phone, email), information about hardware, software, and network configuration, and account names and passwords (computer, email, website, network, etc.).

All data collected is provided by our clients and will be used only for technical support services or for billing and communication purposes. Client data is kept fully confidential and is never shared with other clients or businesses. We maintain an email list for marketing purposes, and recipients may opt out from Stanton Mac Support marketing communications at any time. Email addresses, nor any other client information are never sold or provided to any third parties.

Liability and Damage Responsibility

Stanton Mac Support does not assume responsibility or liability for any damages whatsoever, including those resulting from the repair process, troubleshooting, business interruption, or lost profits, unless a contract or agreement is signed in advance of work performed specifying such arrangements.

We are not responsible for any data loss that may occur during shipping, the repair process, or at any other time. Clients are responsible to back up their data before allowing service their equipment. Stanton Mac Support is not responsible for the loss of any client data. Stanton Mac Support’s liability will be limited to fixing any configuration issues or problems caused by mistakes we made during service implementation free of additional charge.

Affiliation with Apple Inc.

Stanton Mac Support is an independent company and is not in anyway affiliated with Apple Inc. Mac, Macintosh, macOS, MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, iMac, iMac Pro, Apple logo, Apple, Apple Watch, AirPods, HomeKit, HomePod, iCal, iPad, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad Pro, iPhone, iPod, iTunes, OS X, macOS WatchOS and Siri are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

Let's Talk.

Fill out the form or book a free consultation to learn more about our services, rates and availability.

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